In the world of business, especially in a wavering economy, having a strong and widely trusted currency is crucial. However, not all forms of currency are monetary. Businesses must leverage all their available assets to enhance their value. Marketing teams, in particular, need to build this kind of non-monetary currency within their organisations, ensuring they are perceived as essential to achieving the company's goals.

This has never been more true or tricky for today’s marketing departments, which are woefully misunderstood by most organisations. You know the nicknames: the colouring in department, the paint-by-numbers people. The modern marketing department could not be further from the truth, and we need to be clear that marketing is not a cost centre, but a strategic revenue generator. No longer do we simply ‘set and forget’ campaigns; we monitor in real-time and are driven by hard KPIs. Of course, brand measures and brand health are hugely important, but there is a science and immediacy available in this area via real-time dashboards. A great marketing department’s goals should always ladder up to the company objectives, and we are the best ally sales will ever have. After all, we are an automated, lead generating machine.

But what are the quick wins you can do in your organisation to get marketing and your team the recognition and respect they deserve:


Give the company access to marketing assets via the intranet

Our best asset is the work we do, and the more people that have access to it the better. Have a showcase of the work with a ‘Contact marketing’ button, so they know both it – and you – are available.


Fight for visibility

Always have a regular slot at company-wide meetings. Share customer profiles, roadmaps, updates and successes. Marketing and advertising materials make the company famous, and we all want to see things in a ‘sneak preview mode.’ Never underestimate this, and see your internal audience as customers and ambassadors.


Consumer expert

No one else in the building has the right to claim this title but marketing. This is the position of strength you must always come from; you are the closest link to the customer and this is massive currency.


Internal communications

Your best customers and salespeople are those within your organisation; they are eager and ready to engage. Always launch a bigger campaign internally first to involve them. Share the behind-the-scenes story of how the campaign was conceived and emphasise that they are the true inspiration and the ones who will bring it to life out in the world.


Showcase accountability

Share the performance measurement KPIs for your campaigns, regularly report on progress, and openly share the results. This transparency builds credibility and secures buy-in from company stakeholders, ultimately ensuring ongoing support for marketing initiatives.


Limited edition ‘swag’

People love freebies, and by supplying brand materials you create brand ambassadors, build engagement and cement the company culture. Just make sure the swag serves a purpose and passes the ‘that’s cool’ test.


Showcase the different roles in your team

Marketing has become incredibly smart over the last few years, and few would know the specialisms that go into it or the outputs. Highlight the diverse skills and expertise within your team. From data analysts and content creators, to digital strategists and brand managers, each role contributes uniquely to the overall success of the department. This not only educates the rest of the company about the complexities of modern marketing but also helps in appreciating the value each team member brings.


As you can see, we think marketing departments are pretty amazing, and we want your organisation to think so too! By implementing these strategies, you'll help elevate the perception of your marketing team, showcasing their vital role in driving business success. Let's give marketing the recognition it truly deserves.


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