In today's competitive business landscape, a company's Employer Brand and Employment Value Proposition (EVP) are crucial for fostering a workplace where employees feel valued, motivated, and aligned with the company's mission. These elements can significantly impact absenteeism, presenteeism, overall productivity, and performance. In the USA, delivering on an EVP has been shown to decrease annual employee turnover by 70% and increase the commitment of new hires by 30%.

Brand team being enthusiastic and positive together

The Power of an Inspiring Employer Brand

An effective Employer Brand showcases your company's culture, values, and growth opportunities. It's about creating and promoting your image as an exceptional employer through strategic use of social media, employee testimonials, and other communication channels. A strong Employer Brand makes your company attractive to top talent, fostering loyalty and pride among current employees.

What is an Employment Value Proposition (EVP)?

An EVP is a clear statement of what makes your company a great place to work, aligning your core values, mission, and culture with the interests and needs of your employees. It defines the perks and benefits your employees receive, such as competitive compensation, career growth opportunities, work-life balance, and a positive company culture. An effective EVP can save money, improve recruiting, and prevent brain drain by enhancing the employee experience and attracting future candidates.

An EVP lets everyone know it’s a win-win relationship between our company and its employees.

A Real-World Example: Delta Air Lines

Delta Air Lines provides a compelling example of a clear and motivating EVP:

“There are 90,000+ reasons to join Delta – every one of our employees has their own. Some of us want to explore new places. Some are here to explore their own career potential. Some are curious about other cultures, while others want to make a difference where they are. There’s a whole world out there – and another one right here within Delta. Which means that whatever keeps you climbing, you’ll discover it with us.”

This EVP works because it acknowledges the diversity of Delta's workforce and unites everyone through a shared passion for exploration. It creates a powerful emotional connection with the company's mission and values.

The Synergy Between EVP and Employer Brand

When combined, the EVP and Employer Brand form a powerful force for attracting, engaging, and retaining talent. Consistent messaging that aligns with your company's values and culture is essential. It's about more than just external perception; it's about creating an internal culture where employees feel a strong emotional connection to the company's products and services. This emotional loyalty drives engagement and productivity, especially in times of stress and change.

How Contagion Can Help

At Contagion, we understand the importance of a strong Employer Brand and EVP. We specialise in helping businesses create and communicate these critical elements effectively. Our expertise can support your company in:

  • Developing a compelling EVP that resonates with current and potential employees.
  • Crafting an Employer Brand strategy that highlights your unique culture and values.
  • Implementing communication strategies that ensure consistent messaging across all channels.
  • Engaging employees in meaningful ways to foster loyalty and productivity.

By working with Contagion, you can create an inspirational Employer Brand and EVP that not only attracts top talent but also drives business growth and profitability. Let us help you build a workplace where everyone is connected to the company's vision and motivated to achieve their best.

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