

B2B Brand







The Challenge

Zag produce SaaS products via SAP platform and AWS, in an incredibly crowded market with very few credible Kiwi players. The company was called Soltius, but people couldn’t pronounce their name and knew little of the benefits of what they did. They wanted a complete company rebrand, a name change and a manifesto that could take them forward for the next 5 years.

The Insight

Most IT services companies seem rational and dispassionate. The reality is that for true technological innovation you need heaps of emotion and absolute rock stars to make it work.

The Action

With the new name Zag, we rolled out a complete new look for the brand that gave them an inspiring personality and a more appealing look. From a logo and website to a full suite of collateral and merchandise, we did it all for them. Zag: let others zig.

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